Thursday, September 3, 2020

Relativism Example Essays

Relativism Example Essays Relativism Example Paper Relativism Example Paper The hypothesis of Moral Relativism recommends that no standard or worth is totally right or wrong; it relies upon the conditions, for example, the specific culture wherein one lives in. This ends up being a difficult while finding the genuine truth as people feel that reality depends on who keeps up it or that the main truth is their own. This can prompt truth having no criticalness since everything relies upon the general public to which one has a place with. This belief system starts from Ancient Greece at the hour of Homer (eighth century BCE). Individuals inside Greek society started to go over various thoughts if what it intended to be good. They scrutinized their own absolutist standards, bringing about the conversations of the Sophists, a gathering of shrewd men, who contested that all ethical quality was relative what was good and bad was diverse inside each general public. A Greek scholar, Protagoras suggests that people groups principle center in life was to simply continue ahead with it; he says Man is the proportion of all things. All they needed was to fit in with their own locale; the reality of the situation was a conflicting and erratic thought. Protagoras said that nothing is completely right or wrong and that every individual is their own last purpose of power when deciding. Moral Relativism is additionally abstract, implying that a people esteems are comparative with them thus can't be judged dispassionately. This is significant on the grounds that we discover that we should be open minded toward different people groups convictions and conduct just as not to force our convictions or profound quality on others. Moral Relativism permits individuals to pick their own code of conduct as long for what it's worth inside the law of society, a demonstration might be beneficial for one individual yet awful for another, or great in one social setting yet terrible in another, yet can't be either positive or negative alone. Thus, we ought not ask ourselves in the case of something is fortunate or unfortunate when all is said in done, yet just whether it is positive or negative in a specific circumstance. This is a teleological methodology, as you are choosing whether something is positive or negative contingent upon what the result will be. Thomas Hobbes, an English Philosopher, assisted with building up the establishment for a large portion of Western political way of thinking from the point of view of the implicit agreement hypothesis. The implicit agreement hypothesis is the view that a people moral and additionally political duties are dependant on an agreement or understanding between them to frame society and right or wrong is comparative with this. As indicated by the implicit understanding hypothesis, assent is the premise of government. It is on the grounds that individuals have consented to be decided that legislatures are qualified for rule. Hobbes demonstrates that set in stone is dictated by the requirement for individuals to control their normally narrow minded wants and to work for the intrigue and prosperity of the gathering. He additionally brings up that good and bad are impacted by what is expected to limit strife and advance endurance. John Leslie Mackie, an Australian scholar composed a book called Ethics: Inventing Right and Wrong. In his book, Mackie verbalizes that our ethical convictions don't shape the social orders we live; rather our profound quality is molded by society. He proceeds to propose that individuals need to accept ethical quality has a goal truth, yet this depends on the mental need to attempt to locate a target reality to put together our perspectives with respect to and to give us certainty. Be that as it may, there is no legitimate method of demonstrating which good view or conviction is better as good relativism expects us to be non-judgemental. Mackie closes by saying that there is no genuine extreme standard of right or wrong, which is a typical relativist see. Social Relativism is less on an individual level as what is correct or wrong relies upon the way of life. Social relativism is the view that all convictions, customs, and ethics are comparative with the person inside his own social setting. As it were, good and bad are culture-explicit; what is viewed as good in one society might be viewed as indecent in another, and, since there is no all inclusive standard of profound quality, no one has the option to pass judgment on another societys customs. This implies we ought to adjust our conduct to accommodate with the general public we are in just as act in the path suitable to the conditions we are in. Thus, having great habits shows one has ethical quality. Social Relativism is an unadulterated case of the ethical assorted variety among various societies. For instance, in Saudi Arabia the discipline for taking might be to remove a keeps an eye close by, anyway in this nation the discipline is incredible and thought to be fierce and pointless. This is what is known as the assorted variety postulation. Since, there is such a great amount of decent variety across and among societies there can be nobody genuine ethical quality. There are numerous different instances of culture conflicts and rules of lead for better places; in any case, for the relativist such contrasts don't present any issues on the grounds that their own ethical code applies to the general public wherein they live in. Moral Relativism is co-getting together with strict power. Numerous individuals in this day in age are not strict and along these lines need some set guidelines of ethical quality. Relativism likewise permits us to comprehend different societies and to be lenient toward them. In any case, Moral Relativism has its shortcomings and numerous Absolutists have scrutinized the hypothesis. The Relativist says that you can't have absolutist principles, yet they are negating themselves by saying, You should not pass judgment on anyone elses profound quality against your own, this is an absolutist guideline. Another analysis recommends a significant point, the Relativist approach is to acknowledge and endure different people groups narrow minded framework. Regarding different people groups convictions is troublesome when they accept that the abuse of ladies is right, for instance. A few reactions feature that as indicated by Relativists there is nothing amiss with bondage, torment or human penance, in the event that that is the thing that a general public practices, at that point so be it. Furthermore, Relativism gives little purpose behind carrying on ethically but to be socially acknowledged. There are a few different blemishes to the Relativist hypothesis. For instance, a few proclamations are really supreme, It isn't right to torment honest individuals. Because societies shift, it doesn't mean there is no goal acceptable. Alongside this, moral convictions can change when they are tested, crude practices do cease. Moral relativism, in view of its receptive ramifications for morals, involves extraordinary significance; our opinion of good relativism matters. This is where theory practically affects society overall. It is significant that the hypothesis, and its results, are all the more generally comprehended so as to authorize genuine ethical quality.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Reducing Drug Trafficking in The United States Essay -- Illicit Drugs

The medication issue in the U.S. what's more, around the globe is a significant issue and is by all accounts a troublesome issue to handle no matter how you look at it. The inflow of medications has gotten probably the biggest development in transnational wrongdoing activities; unlawful medication use in the United States makes it hard for country states police and customs powers to understand the issues. War on drugs, medicate dealing has for some time been an issue for the United States. There has been a declaration of â€Å"war on drugs† for as far back as 44 years. Medication dealing and medication misuse has for some time been a baffling element of United States and other nation around the globe. The United Nations Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention calls attention to that the battle against tranquilize dealing and medication misuse has met with certain triumphs as of late to limit the exchange that influence network overall (World Drug Report, 2010). The U.S. need to expand security at the fringes and that will help kill the medications brought into the nation. I accept when you set up an arrangement that is well create it will help wipe out the quantity of illicit migrants that going to and fro into the United States who need to tranquilize dealing in our nation. We need better security checks at the outskirt that will help dispense with the medications that brought into our nation. In 1972, Mexican President Luis Echeverrã ­a met with President Nixon and, alongside a few government offices, built up The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). There has been a lot of exertion to battle the war on medications, for example, increment in law authorization, permitting government authorities to get to military knowledge, and preparing and considerably more including efforts. An ongoing national medication review, discharged last October, appears... ...roQuest Newsstand. (Archive Palmer, S. A. , 2006-11-01 The Incidence of Illicit Drug Use in Canada 1977-2004 Paper introduced at the yearly gathering of the American Society of Criminology (ASC), Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA Online . 2009-05-24 from Ruby, M. (1993, December 12). Should drugs be authorized? . U.S. News and World Report., Lorraine Mazerolle, David Soole, Sacha Rombouts Drug Law Enforcement: A Review of the Evaluation Literature Police Quarterly, June 2007; vol. 10, 2: pp. 115-153. World Drug Report, 2010, distributed by the United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention, New York, 2010, p. 2. and-examination/WDR-2010.html

Friday, August 21, 2020

Fredrick Frankenstein Essay

Fredrick Frankenstein is a youthful mind specialist and clinical speaker making an effort not to live in the shadow of his notorious granddad, Victor Von Frankenstein. In any case, this ends up being troublesome when he is taken to his grandfather’s bequest in Transylvania to gather his legacy. He keeps on being resolved to irritate himself from his grandfather’s heritage as a researcher who made a beast. In any case, after finding a book by Victor entitled â€Å"How I Did It†, he concludes that his grandfather’s work was not such folly, and chooses to attempt to make his own heritage for the Frankenstein name. He achieves this with the assistance of his two comedic sidekicks †the associate Igor and the truly youthful Inga. In any case, the world isn't prepared for such a logical progression, especially after the unfortunate consequences of Victor’s experimentation, and Fredrick and his animal experience a lot of segregation on account of the animal. In any case, after Fredrick further tests in technical studies, the animal is made all the more socially satisfactory and permitted to live with his lady of the hour, Elizabeth. Clarification: Youthful Frankenstein is a test to the way both the customary Frankenstein content is perused, just as the entire gothic film class. It spoofs all the viewpoints that are considered â€Å"traditionally Frankenstein-esque†, for example, the insane lab rat yelling, â€Å"It’s alive! † and the blundering, moaning animal. Notwithstanding, as a book, it perceives the estimation of the works of art, and ridicules, yet gives recognition to them too. â€Å"It wasn’t about saying ‘how would we be able to make it fun? ‘, yet ‘how would we be able to make it genuine, which will make it progressively fun? ‘†1. By perceiving the imaginative worth yet in addition a definitive strangeness of customary Frankenstein films, Brooks permitted Young Frankenstein to not need to fall back on constant droll so as to pick up its cleverness. The content was written with regards to the mid 1970s, where individuals were progressively disposed to uncertainty and question the standards set forward by Hollywood and the media when all is said in done. Creeks, as an arranger, has perceived this criticism and utilized it to remove humor from an extraordinary current exemplary. In contrast to a considerable lot of the ancestors of the Frankenstein classification, Young Frankenstein addresses the first estimations of Shelley’s message and investigates numerous subjects which had customarily been disregarded by past Frankenstein films, for example, the creature’s capacity to cherish and be human. It doesn't follow the specific storyline of the first content, picking rather give discourse on the former Frankenstein, Son of Frankenstein, and Bride of Frankenstein; to have a grandson who has not gained from his grandfather’s botches. Beside the beast itself, most of characters in this content have been changed. In any case, Fredrick is a lot of like his notorious granddad †a logical virtuoso, and connected with to a wonderful young lady named Elizabeth. This gives proper respect to the hero of the first content, which despite everything keeping up its status as a satire. These progressions have been made to show a definitive strangeness of the first Frankenstein, while as yet having the option to look at its numerous subjects using humor. Youthful Frankenstein isn't intended to be a genuine apportionment of Shelley’s content. Its principle intention is to challenge the customary Hollywood understanding of the Frankenstein beast, and to â€Å"have somewhat fun in the process†2. Be that as it may, through its utilization of silliness and parody, it figures out how to investigate the most profound topic of Shelley’s content †what shapes and characterizes us as people? This content is esteemed in various settings. It is viewed as one of the best satire movies ever, and remains exceptionally well known almost 30 years after at first being made. A mystery government program called ‘The Initiative’ is catching devils and other otherworldly animals so as to investigate and fix them. One of the main researchers associated with the task, Professor Maggie Walsh, is exploring different avenues regarding distinctive body parts, of man, machine and evil spirit so as to make a being †Adam. He is mentally and genuinely better than man, and executes his maker, just to restore her as a laborer. Buffy Summers, a young lady browsed birth to battle extraordinary powers, is resolved to beat Adam, in spite of his boss physical quality. A vampire in collusion with Adam, Spike, attempts to vanquish her by alienating her from what she draws quality from †her companions. In any case, Buffy beats this irritation, and remakes her kinships. They at that point rally to pulverize the wellspring of Adam’s power, prevailing by joining their most human components †heart, psyche, soul and body. Clarification: There are three focal figures to this story bend †the researcher (Maggie Walsh), the test (Adam, and to a limited degree, Riley Finn), and the legend (Buffy Summers). Albeit, similar to the first content itself, there are various different characters, the storyline relies essentially upon the activities of these three figures. From various perspectives, the Adam story is as a rule consistent with the first content, in that it centers around two fundamental issues of Shelley’s content: the nature of disengagement, and the impact of man exceeding logical limits. Moreover, it mostly inspects the idea of conduct, to be specific whether malice is inherent or conditional. The creation’s name †Adam †a direct between printed reference, referencing Milton’s Paradise Lost - â€Å"I should be thy Adam† (p128) and the Bible story in Genesis, which verbalizes ‘Adam’ as the principal man. In any case, his name, which means ‘first born’ is critical in light of the fact that, as Frankenstein’s animal, he is the first of his sort, and remains the just one of his animal groups. Like the first content, he learns of himself through his creator’s journals. â€Å"I’m a kinematically excess, biomechanical demonoid. Planned by Maggie Walsh. She called me Adam and I called her Mother . . . Mother recorded things. Hard information, yet in addition her emotions. That’s how I discovered that I have an occupation here. Furthermore, that she cherished me. † (â€Å"Goodbye Iowa†). The issue of inherent shrewdness is powerfully enlightened here. Not at all like Frankenstein’s creation, who is deserted by his maker and evaded by society, Adam himself says â€Å"she cherished me† and was viewed as his mom, however he murders her in any case. The first arrangement for his reality had been to make a race of those such as himself, to decrease the U. S. A. ‘s military defenselessness. He additionally offers the evil spirits something people can't †full utilization of their capacity, consequently reinforcing the military he is working to bring his ‘new race’ into power. All through a large number of the scenes where Adam highlights, it is suggested that he was worked to make another, indestructible species. In â€Å"Primeval†, he says to Riley â€Å"This is the means by which [Mother] arranged it†¦ Only she thought she’d be alive. † Like Victor in the first content, she is her very own survivor vision, drive and narrow minded desire for progress. â€Å"Maggie Walsh’s vision was extraordinary, in any case intolerable. † (Primeval) She has philanthropic aims of clearing out death and shortcoming in mankind, similar to Victor, guaranteeing, â€Å"This is for the more prominent good†. (The I in group). Be that as it may, like Victor, she has no genuine feeling of the ethical ramifications this involves. She is diverse to Victor in that she has some feeling of the outcomes of her activities. In any case, both can't confront those results. This speaks to the possibility of the researcher with no thought of the ethical ramifications of playing with the normal request of life. Both in an eighteenth and 21st century setting, disregarding the regular request is talked about, suggesting that in spite of the fact that between Shelley’s time and now there have been an incredible number of logical advances, a few limits remain insightfully unbending.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Core Aspects of Stress Management - Free Essay Example

Stress is unavoidable in life. Understanding the causes of stress and incorporating stress-reducing activities in life can reduce stress but can also by gratifying. There are many healthy ways of alleviating stress, from art therapy to meditation. Understanding stress and taking the time to slow down and mindfully take each day can help reduce a stressful life and lead to a happy, fulfilled life. Human spirituality can help to bring meaning to some of the stressors in life that may be unavoidable in life. Spirituality and the meaning of life and its many experiences is something that helps me to enjoy each day and the overall fullness of life and its experiences. Spirituality gives meaning to stressful circumstances. Spirituality through religion or otherwise, can help to answer the question why is this happening and what is the purpose of this situation? More people are turning away from religion looking for more fulfillment but still practicing spirituality in an attempt to answer questions looking for deeper meanings and fulfillment in life. Psychologist, Carl Jung, believed that everyone possesses a spirituality and that everything that happens has a spiritual aspect to it. People have a need to define what their purpose in life is. This is known as centering or the process of centering thoughts in order to access the unconscious mind and is powers. The next step would be a continuous step of emptying. This process would continuously incorporate the discarding of thoughts, processes, and possibly beliefs or people in order to go through a cleansing of the self. The phase that follows the emptying phase is the grounding phase. This phase is where new insight, beliefs, knowledge of self occurs. In the grounding process, one may also be more aware of the subconscious and intuition. This step is what Oprah would refer to as her lightbulb moment. The last process is referred to as the Connecting process in which one comes to the realization that all are connected and that what affects one, affects all in some way. Some people go through all of these processes and some stay at one their entire life. Spirituality helps one to look internally and at external relationships and beliefs. Faith that all is well and that all of lifes difficulties and rewards are learning experiences goes a long way in relieving the stress of life situations. Hand in hand with spirituality, go methods of coping with life stressors. Developing and maintaining healthy boundaries in life is one aspect of creating balance in life. Defining our personal values, developing what we believe based on these values, behaving according to our values and our conscious and unconscious behaviors based on our values are the aspects of personality. These values and behaviors are not always positive and many times one picks up negative behaviors in life. This is where chemical and behavioral addictions are developed. Self-perception of those involved in these addictions add to stress because the people involved know that their habits are not healthy, but many times do not know or do not feel they are able to modify their behavior. Behavior modification models are available to help those suffering from these negative behaviors to positively change their lifestyles. Initiating the new behavior is important, but maintaining the behavior is key to chan ging the lifestyle and ridding one of the stress associated. The various models have stages which include denial, acceptance, motivation to change, finding new ways to behave, maintaining the behavior and evaluating the changes. Changing a number of unwanted behaviors at once is a recipe for failure, so changing one at a time and maintaining those changes help one to be successful at behavior modification. Since self-esteem plays a major role in how a person decides to behave, taking a look at self is a key aspect of behavior modification. Developing healthy assertiveness by learning how to be diplomatic with others is a key personality aspect to relieving oneself of stress. Being able to say no to someone else and still maintain positive relationships is an aspect of assertiveness that relieves stress. Being too passive or being too aggressive causes hardship on the person experiencing the stress or causes additional stress by not maintaining positive relationships. Focusing on the specific issues or problem without getting emotional or focusing on someone elses behavior is one aspect of healthy assertiveness. Skills at being more diplomatic or assertive with others include the ability to say no, using I statements rather than putting the issue on the other person, eye contact, non-threatening body language, the ability to agree to disagree, leaving attempts at manipulation out, and not reacting, but responding are all skills for people to maintain healthy boundaries and to practice assertiveness in their lives. The result of which will reduce personal stress in life. Because there is so much external noise going on in life, the ability to concentrate on what is going on at the moment and to quiet all of the outside and internal conflicts is a skill that will help reduce stress. Meditation is a practice that dates back to the sixth century and is designed to help one quiet oneself to allow for clear thinking. Mindfulness is the awareness that yesterday cannot be changed and tomorrow cannot be predicted, so it is best to live in the moment that we are living in currently. Some form of meditation is practice by nearly every religion and while not scientifically proven, is linked to better health. There are many types of meditation ranging from mental repetition, visual concentration, sounds, and physical repetition. One type may work better than another for different individuals. Researchers studying the brain and meditation found that meditation produces a different type of brainwave than the brain in someone awake or sleeping. In a meditative brain, the waves are slower, rhythmic and there is a sensory decrease. This allows thoughts to enter the mind without judgment, an openness to new thinking, and an openness to suggestion. During meditation, time is insignificant, experiences may occur with which there is no way to explain it to someone else, there is a higher sense off the present, the ego is suspended and there is an openness to new ideas and spiritual enlightenment occurs. The health effects of meditation include a sense of well-being, calm, improved sleep, positive effects on the immune system, and reduction in chronic pain to name a few. These positive effects are thought to occur as meditation improves ones sense of well-being and feeling of peace. Studies have been done on brain neuroplasticity and have found improvements. These improvements include an increase in brain wave activity, more activity in the prefrontal and limbic portions of the brain which regulate attention and emotion, parts of the brain used in meditation grow larger and there is evidence of neural rewiring, and the parts of the brain responsible for compassion grow. Further studies have shown that regular meditation change the brain experiencing stress to one of calm contentedness. The ability to re-orient the brain from experiencing stress to one of a sense of calm is promising on a number of levels. To be able to re-orient ones thinking and emotions of depression or other psychological illnesses through meditation opens much hope to many people. To begin a meditation practice, one needs to choose a quiet time. The best time is in the morning or evening before bed. Sit quietly for as long as you need and focus on your breathing. Release any thoughts that come to your mind. Some repeat mantras to help the brain relax and release thoughts. I selected the topic of Stress and Human Spirituality because my experiences have taught me that believing in something bigger than what is in front of me gives meaning to my life and having faith that things are happening as they are meant to has gone a long way in understanding stressful occurrences in my life. The topic of Health Boundaries and Behavior Modification was interesting to me due to the dysfunctional relationships that I have encountered in my life and I wanted to learn more about establishing healthy boundaries with others. Of particular interest was the information about assertiveness. I selected Meditation and Mindfulness to write about because I have meditated in the past with exceptional results. I wish to return to a practice of meditation in my daily life again; particularly as I continue through school. A side benefit of this course, I learned about Tai Chi and its benefits and plan on incorporating Tai Chi in my routine for health and stress. References: Seaward, Brian, (2018), Managing Stress, Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being, Jones and Bartlett Learning, LLC

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Uncanny Of Sleeping Beauty And Her Children - 1219 Words

The Uncanny of Sleeping Beauty and Her Children Psychoanalyst, Sigmund Freud, constructed his theory of the uncanny, in a simplified conclusion as the ability for the conscious mind to recall or find â€Å"something familiar and frightening† within his essay â€Å"The Uncanny† as shared in Literary Theory: An Anthology. The first portion of the essay serves in effort to breakdown the reasoning for the term to lend us meaning, in short he provides us with the etymology of uncanny. We learn of its German form, heimlich, is the familiar, intimate, comfortable; While with use of the prefix un-, he points out the uncanny, or unheimlich, is the obvious opposite, strange, uncomfortable, and uneased. (418) Freud also provides us with a second meaning to view the idea of what is uncanny, or heimlich versus unheimlich, bringing us two varying ideas: â€Å"Concealed, kept from sight, so that others do not get to know of or about it, withheld from others. To do something heimlich, i.e., behind someone’s back; to steal away heimlich; †¦In general we are reminded that the word ‘heimlich’ is not unambiguous, but belongs to two sets of ideas, which, without being contradictory, are yet very different: on the one hand it means what is familiar and agreeable, and on the other. what is concealed and kept out of sight. ‘Unheimlich’ is customarily used, we are told, as the contrary only of the first signification of’ heimlich,’ and not of the second.† (419) Both ideas support that the basis of myShow MoreRelatedGwen Harwood1749 Words   |  7 Pageslanguage, Gwen had many early influences in her childhood that were clearly going to have an effect on her later life. Gwens family had strong connections with music and it became a very important part of her life, causing her to aspire to become a musician. Gwens grandmother introduced her to poetry and she began to write her own in the 1950s. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Declination of the Status of Women - 777 Words

Since the beginning of time, society has considered women inferior to men. Men, especially in time of war, subjugate women and this form of expression, whether in times of war or not, should not be accepted as the norm or be considered as acceptable. Women are equals to men and provide a valuable resource; therefore, they should not be inferior to men. In Afghanistan, before the Taliban, women were â€Å"70% of schoolteachers, 50% of government workers and university students, and 40% of doctors in Kabul† (Bureau of Democracy). Also before the Taliban, women were free to do as they chose, men and women were both free to dress as they liked and they could move freely about. The Taliban â€Å"cruelly reduced women and girls to poverty, worsened their health, and deprived them of their right to an education† with the false pretense of protecting women (Bureau of Democracy). Much like the Taliban, the theocratic Republic of Gilead also repressed their women during a time of war, a time of religious war. The clothing they wear, the â€Å"white wings too are prescribed issue; they are to keep us [them] from seeing, but also from being seen† demonstrate their subordination to men (Atwood 8). While men in the time of the Taliban and the theocratic Republic of Gilead can easily be educated, â€Å"the Taliban closed the women’s university and forced nearly all women to quit their jobs†¦The Taliban ended, for all practical purposes, education for girls† (Bureau of Democracy). As a parallel, the RepublicShow MoreRelatedGait Variability And Fall Risk1191 Words   |  5 Pagesthat increase incident of falls, where four blocks build the hierarchical model. The first block is about sociodemographic factors, which are age, sex, race, and material status. The second group of risk factors is related to behavior such as alcohol drinking, smoking and physical status. 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PPQ Parts Global Expansion Essay Example For Students

PPQ Parts Global Expansion Essay The following paper will address the following scenario: PC Parts has determined that in order to successfully expand globally, it will be a great benefit if the managers are trained in multiculturalism, diversity management and are made aware of the political and economic concerns that may arise during the expansion. This will allow them to be properly equipped vivid the knowledge and required plan Of action to handle such situations as needed. Currently, there are many organizations that plan to become global companies in order to reach the international markets that have a need for the specific reduces and services provided. This form of expansion has also been identified as a necessity in order to for businesses to survive financially in the current economy. It will decrease costs for the company, open a new market for new ideas, and allow a more competitive position within the new market (Higher Render, 2012, p. 27). An international strategy will help to diversify and expand a business; therefore management should be trained and have a clear understanding on the multiple aspects, including multiculturalism and diversity management, It is important to understand the difference between altruistically and diversity. Multiculturalism refers to the acceptance or the practice of providing equal attention/representation to individual(s) from different backgrounds or minority groups (Multiculturalism,). On the other hand, diversity is defined as the differences between individuals, including but not limited to: 0 Race Gender Z] Background Socioeconomic Status J Religion Both are important to the PC Parts, especially in the growth efforts. Diversity in the workplace will allow PC Parts to remain competitive in the market. Multiculturalism and diversity training for management Will create a better a better work environment; develop better employees for future leaders (Garcia). Trained management has the ability to address diversity issues locally and globally. What are some of the issues the host foreign country could face as a result of the expansion? During an expansion, there are many issues the host foreign country could face, These factors consist of social and cultural behaviors and laws (Whither Render 2012). Other factors include both internal and external (Higher Render, 2012, p. 8). For example, internal factors can consist of the following: C] Human resources (Higher Render, 2012, p) Physical resources (Higher Render, 2012) Host countrys understructure (Higher Render, 2012) These issues can include: Employment Production J Resources Infrastructure When human resource (HER) managers begin the recruitment process for filling positions for PC Parts international office, more than likely th ey Will encounter cultural barriers including but not limited to language hurdles (Lewis). Another albatross HER may encounter is finding qualified candidates that meet the minimum education requirements, and convincing employees within the local Office to relocate outside Of their comfort zone. It is important that leadership Of PC Parts have a clear understanding of the infrastructure in the new country and take the appropriate steps to assess how its reliability will impact the companys success. For example, the communication infrastructure is extremely important and should be taken into consideration and researched to confirm whether it is modern and reliable. Does it have the capacity, efficiency, and security needed in order to conduct day to day business. PC Parts management and field workers will require reliable networks for telephone, mobile, and data delivery. The status tooth infrastructure also has the ability to affect the power (power outages) and cyber-attack vulnerability, Explain what cultural barriers and diversity issues are commonly encountered by international or multinational (NC) and global organizations. One critical factor in international business is cultural differences in a global economy; therefore, in order to successfully reach astounding profitability, PC parts will need to reconcile the differences between he cultures by utilizing cross cultural training techniques in order to acquire the needed skillet and knowledge to fulfill the role of cultural agents. Cross cultural training is an advanced process used in order to promptly develop cultural intelligence and international competence. .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25 , .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25 .postImageUrl , .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25 , .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25:hover , .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25:visited , .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25:active { border:0!important; } .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25:active , .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25 .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4cbc033db10bc263ea269bade5af5a25:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Internet: A Medium or a Message? EssayThe combination Will integrate the knowledge elements and behavioral skills required within a short length of time. Why has diversity become such an important topic in the international arena? As time continues, it is apparent that the strength of the economy rests on the ability to market and conduct business With Other countries in order to remain competitive. Therefore. This requires companies to design products that meet the needs of individuals from multiple cultures and establish marketing strategies to sell the same products abroad. The marketing strategies will require a diverse team of negotiators and planners. Businesses that expand abroad become more lucrative in the marketplace and impact the countries per capita income, In order for a business to remain marketable, the product, individuals, and marketing efforts must meet the desires of the potential consumers in a respectful manner. For example, when General Motors introduced the Chevy Nova to Spanish speaking countries, it is apparent marketing did not do the needed research. In Spanish, Nova means, it does not go; therefore, the product did not sell. It is important for a business to create a diverse team of individuals in establishing a product and marketing in order to meet the needs of the targeted market. What can occur when issues related to multiculturalism and diversity are ignored in an international company? There are multiple issues that can occur f multiculturalism and diversity are not taken into consideration. As previously stated, if the research has not been completed, the product will not sell if it does not meet the needs of the intended market. Countries abroad have different beliefs and work expectations than the United States. It a company does not meet the expectations and respect of the host country by acknowledging all religious backgrounds and cultures, they will not be successful. Describe at least two political and tuft economic issues that may arise during global expansion and proposed methods addressing them. Political In Japan and Germany, PC Parts may face legal and regulatory risks based on the primary nature Of the company. PC Parts being an American company that practices based off of the known regulations, can be a challenge when required to comply With the regulations of the current country. The legal change may cause a delay in the companys grand opening, but in the end, it will alleviate legal issues within the host country. The best way to execute the legalities, it is recommended PC Parts hire the host countrys legal team in order to assist with the regulations. Corruption is a political issue that may arise during global expansion, PC Parts should practice the current laws of the host country as well as the laws that have been put in place by the united States that address the practice of corruption in other countries. Economic Competition is an issue that may arise. Although PC parts is currently in a location where they are the only distributor of parts and they are found to be successful, it may attract competitor. In the event of competition, PC parts will have to decide whether to compete with price or make the decision to relocate to a less competitive area where they can gain regain their advantage, The best way for PC parts to address this issue is to proactively focus on the quality of the product, continue to build solid relationships with consumers, and to prepare future marketing plans in order to remain successful in the noncompetitive market as well as establishing a reputation in the future competitive market. The second economic issue that may arise is the supply and consumer demand. The company, Toyota opened an assembly plant in the United States based on demand from the consumer. This action has shown to be successful based off the sales reports for united States ales. Just as Toyota made the decision to expand abroad, PC Parts should take the time to research and visit multiple markets to establish the required rapport and once the next market is identified, make the most cost effective way of entering the new market, In order for PC Parts to successfully expand globally, it is vital this company possess cultural intelligence in order to be productive in the host country.